1 | [#38953] Madam Lanfear the Titan [DTEK] (Nils Iverlund) | 833 rounds |
2 | [#17332] Heroine Tyrson-Randy the Titan [FWP] (Tee Jay Green) | 686 rounds |
3 | [#46817] Prince Jonne the Titan [DTEK] (John Kollinius) | 498 rounds |
4 | [#107188] Grand Duke adekvat kausalitet the Titan (Peter Jonsson) | 399 rounds |
5 | [#185044] Elf Nonaz the Elf [FWP] (mick walter) | 399 rounds |
6 | [#43151] Duke Tuxo the Titan [DTEK] (Tee Jay Green) | 328 rounds |
7 | [#60121] Prince Ramses II the Titan (Henrik Winkler) | 300 rounds |
8 | [#45749] Hero Lomichas CCLXXXVI the Dwarf [DTEK] (Øyvind Gundersen) | 285 rounds |
9 | [#50188] Duchess Paradel the Elf (Laurent DUBARRY) | 227 rounds |
10 | [#142247] Prince Slartibartfast the Titan [FWP] (Øyvind Gundersen) | 216 rounds |
11 | [#26349] Hero Fyodor Mikhailovich the Titan (Pål Hendriksen) | 211 rounds |
12 | [#147762] Duke Morbido the Elf [FWP] (Joel aka Jojo) | 210 rounds |
13 | [#51172] Moghedien the Dwarf (Tomas Carlsén) | 201 rounds |
14 | [#113158] Duchess Semirhage the Titan [FOG] (Nils Iverlund) | 194 rounds |
15 | [#175611] Duchess Cyndane the Titan [FWP] (Nils Iverlund) | 179 rounds |
16 | [#101602] Stranded the Titan (Bart Sikkens) | 177 rounds |
17 | [#22549] Duke BIFFEN the Titan (SVEN JAGER) | 169 rounds |
18 | [#146834] Duke Yngve Knotrygg the Titan (Henrik Wahlström) | 162 rounds |
19 | unused | 158 rounds |
20 | [#6825] Grand Duke C the Titan (C Skoglund) | 151 rounds |
21 | [#33494] Baronesse Godik the Titan (Asger Kvist) | 134 rounds |
22 | [#172131] Baron Misery the Titan (Mads Hansen) | 133 rounds |
23 | [#197550] Duke beffet the Dwarf (Fredrik Olofsson) | 129 rounds |
24 | [#151427] Prince Barnak Bloodbath the Titan [DTEK] (Hannes Nilsson) | 125 rounds |
25 | [#64790] Eche the Troll (Susanna Stenman) | 125 rounds |
26 | [#133571] Hero Binosj the Human (Bruno Emans) | 122 rounds |
27 | [#228833] Crown Princess Mathlar the Titan (Mark Harris) | 120 rounds |
28 | [#172249] Prince Chase the Titan (Mads Hansen) | 114 rounds |
29 | [#8203] Duchess Queen Maja the Dwarf (Björn Norén) | 112 rounds |
30 | [#93739] Prince wolsa2 the Titan [MOC] (morris wols) | 106 rounds |
31 | [#127529] Duchess Kogo the Titan (Mattias Niska) | 105 rounds |
32 | [#16028] Grand Duke Ol the Titan [FWP] (Olle Carnevale) | 104 rounds |
33 | [#173998] Futhark the Human (Vebjørn Bugge) | 104 rounds |
34 | [#203001] Grand Duchess Acanthis the Titan [MOC] (Wojciech Kinowski) | 102 rounds |
35 | [#97714] Baron Gelu the Titan [FOG] (Tobias Nygren) | 102 rounds |
36 | unused | 101 rounds |
37 | [#1885] Duke Bleed the Titan [DTEK] (Kristofer Barta) | 101 rounds |
38 | [#166725] Baronesse Werner the Titan (Johan Wennemyr) | 101 rounds |
39 | [#34163] Princess Eazy III the Titan [TFD1] (Stan Beurskens) | 101 rounds |
40 | [#6878] Princess Fang the Titan (Andreas Foldalake) | 101 rounds |
41 | [#164] Baron Ponte the Titan [MOC] (Pontus Lindberg) | 99 rounds |
42 | [#142719] Grand Duke Bofast the Titan [TNA] (Arvid Granat) | 98 rounds |
43 | [#98018] Sir Escalib the Human (Jesper Andersson) | 96 rounds |
44 | [#169631] Anarion the Human (Vebjørn Bugge) | 95 rounds |
45 | [#30817] Lord Quasi the Human (Bob Lee) | 94 rounds |
46 | [#173021] Grand Duchess csse the Titan [FWP] (C S Sheng) | 93 rounds |
47 | [#8424] Grand Duke SNAPPAHEAD the Titan (Greger Hedlund) | 93 rounds |
48 | [#77217] Duchess Calundra the Titan [FWP] (Gill Harber) | 93 rounds |
49 | [#30691] Lady Woh the Human (Mårten) | 92 rounds |
50 | [#118277] Duchess Visualq the Titan [YLLW] (Wim Wisselink) | 91 rounds |
51 | [#170173] Grand Duke Scramasax the Titan (Vebjørn Bugge (Jhb)) | 90 rounds |
52 | [#121097] Grand Duke Spoggeman the Titan [Tudor] (Sebastian Spogardh) | 88 rounds |
53 | [#29941] Hero Dummy the Human [DOGS] (k michel) | 88 rounds |
54 | [#205981] Hero Infus Darku the Titan (Paul Taylor) | 87 rounds |
55 | [#135929] Duke Nidhogger the Titan [MOC] (markus flobergseter) | 86 rounds |
56 | [#701] Saradoc the Titan (Timo Sainio) | 86 rounds |
57 | [#12662] Duke hulken the Human (Christian Ragnarsson) | 85 rounds |
58 | [#222595] Baron Progen the Dwarf (Scott Doe) | 85 rounds |
59 | [#126065] Morke the Titan [FWP] (Anders Mårtensson) | 85 rounds |
60 | [#113715] Duchess Redhawk the Titan (Markus Karlsson) | 84 rounds |
61 | [#148874] Grand Duke r0lF the Titan [FOG] (Ferry R) | 82 rounds |
62 | [#182086] Grand Duke Lord Preacher the Titan (Jim Smith) | 82 rounds |
63 | [#13865] Grand Duchess Tsuliwaënsis the Titan [FOG] (Gill Harber) | 82 rounds |
64 | [#188779] Grand Duke s santesco the Human [FWP] (steven mikesz) | 81 rounds |
65 | [#217377] Grand Duchess Paracelsus the Elf [MOC] (Simon Tiderman) | 80 rounds |
66 | [#10038] Duke Mondain the Titan (Massimo Uomonuovo) | 80 rounds |
67 | [#150458] Baron Zwelgje0 the Titan (Jilles Vermaas) | 79 rounds |
68 | [#8514] Prince Frankenfish the Human (Robin Englund) | 79 rounds |
69 | [#187090] Grand Duke Grundvar the Dwarf [FWP] (Tee Jay Green) | 79 rounds |
70 | [#127362] Hero Shadow the Dwarf [TFD6] (Erik Kjærran) | 79 rounds |
71 | [#22108] Lady Mirkk the Titan (Fredrik Norlin) | 78 rounds |
72 | [#61699] Baron Galdor the Titan (Oli Danielsson) | 77 rounds |
73 | [#99026] Duchess Earelis of Mithlond the Dwarf (Ted Hansson) | 77 rounds |
74 | [#139086] Lord Ardashar the Human [MOC] (Erik Kjærran) | 77 rounds |
75 | [#217514] Duke Kobby the Titan [KSR] (Jakob Almerud) | 77 rounds |
76 | unused | 76 rounds |
77 | [#8208] Grand Duke Landreth the Titan (Henrik Bergman) | 76 rounds |
78 | [#207597] Grand Duke Aang Sedai the Human (Tyler Clemons) | 76 rounds |
79 | [#2133] Duke Dayal the Elf (Dayal Benecke) | 76 rounds |
80 | [#171052] Princess Pug the Titan (Roger Larsson) | 75 rounds |
81 | [#116269] Prince Orccu the Titan (Mikko Lappalainen) | 75 rounds |
82 | [#103020] Grand Duke Baxel the Titan (Morten Collin) | 75 rounds |
83 | [#97229] Princess SLIP the Titan [MOC] (Isak Rese) | 75 rounds |
84 | unused | 74 rounds |
85 | [#222530] Princess Kriegh the Titan (Patrik Samuelsson) | 74 rounds |
86 | [#147694] Duke Lith the 74th the Dwarf (Adam Lith) | 73 rounds |
87 | [#121334] Princess Strixnebulosa the Titan [KSR] (Strix Nebulosa) | 71 rounds |
88 | [#49888] Grand Duke Turin Turambar the Elf (Nathan Ulrey) | 71 rounds |
89 | [#36012] Hero Mazmodan the Dwarf [Wizz] (Atle Svartis) | 71 rounds |
90 | [#42312] Princess Ookami the Titan (ulf berglund) | 70 rounds |
91 | [#105747] Grand Duke CatchJon the Titan (Jon Nethaug) | 70 rounds |
92 | [#1861] Grand Duke God the Titan (Wyko Coopman/Niels) | 70 rounds |
93 | [#157891] Grand Duchess Tyr the Titan [KSR] (Justin Yuill) | 70 rounds |
94 | [#143506] Grand Duchess FarFetched the Titan [Sworn] (Niels ) | 70 rounds |
95 | [#116883] Duchess Disciple092 the Titan (Josh Keller) | 70 rounds |
96 | [#129989] Lord Gort the Human (Stephen Cropley) | 70 rounds |
97 | [#159471] Duke Edmund of Frostheim the Titan (jostein bakkåker) | 69 rounds |
98 | [#36262] Grand Duke Silvanus the Titan [Tudor] (Daniel Kristiansson) | 69 rounds |
99 | [#91645] Prince DURACEL SOMIHVETA1 the Titan [DTEK] (Rodrigo Santos) | 68 rounds |
100 | [#111851] Baronesse EleCtra the Titan [VW] (Malin Sandevik) | 67 rounds |
101 | [#99551] Pajasmannen the Human (Ingemar Heikenberg) | 67 rounds |
102 | [#64287] Prince Chrille the Titan (C Skoglund) | 66 rounds |
103 | [#151527] Prince Dub Buk från Nordland the Titan [FoDm] (John Schaeffer) | 66 rounds |
104 | [#108664] Grand Duke seven7 the Titan (steven virr) | 66 rounds |
105 | [#61897] Duke hellis the Human [FoDm] (Henrik Hellman) | 66 rounds |
106 | [#146674] Prince Koratnos the Titan [FOG] (Øyvind Gundersen) | 65 rounds |
107 | [#199612] Prince Gobschen the Titan [LASNJ] (Peter Englund) | 65 rounds |
108 | [#129830] Duke Jiriki the Titan (Martin Robinson) | 65 rounds |
109 | [#130499] Heroine Luntar the Elf (Fryderyk Riffe) | 65 rounds |
110 | [#159069] Duke TRUC the Titan (kevin saelens) | 64 rounds |
111 | [#21591] Madam Snofsan the Elf (Gunilla Grahn) | 64 rounds |
112 | [#2084] Madam Tiko the Human [LASNJ] (Inga-Lill Nordström) | 62 rounds |
113 | [#70010] Sir Oreayo the Titan [FOG] (Martinus Karlsen) | 61 rounds |
114 | [#175675] Lord Slith Throat the Dwarf (Svein Engan) | 61 rounds |
115 | [#220937] Frie the Human (Fred Crinson) | 61 rounds |
116 | [#113552] dragon king the Human [FOG] (lord louis) | 61 rounds |
117 | [#189121] Grand Duke Zwelgje2 the Titan [DTEK] (Jilles Vermaas) | 60 rounds |
118 | [#61478] Grand Duke Fula the Titan (Henrik Franke) | 59 rounds |
119 | [#41082] Danne the Titan (Dan Hannu) | 59 rounds |
120 | [#165631] Lady Lennah the Titan (Petter Björklund) | 59 rounds |
121 | [#60322] Prince Azguz the Titan (Rickard Westling) | 57 rounds |
122 | [#58420] Duchess Bane the Human (Eli Svensmark) | 57 rounds |
123 | [#106151] Prince Cerwin the Titan (Andreas Vaa Vikdal) | 57 rounds |
124 | [#102557] Grand Duke Jiiynx the Titan [MOC] (Robert Beckman) | 56 rounds |
125 | [#142817] Grand Duke Radar the Titan (Jan Johannessen) | 56 rounds |
126 | [#142824] Lord Gunny the Elf (Øyvind Gundersen) | 56 rounds |
127 | [#142562] Lord AnakRok the Human (Daniel Åhl) | 56 rounds |
128 | [#78687] Hero Agelage the Titan (Håkan L. Holmström) | 56 rounds |
129 | [#158390] Madam Chnottie 57 the Elf (Lasse N) | 56 rounds |
130 | [#220041] Alma-Lodaka the Titan [FOG] (Daniel Svendsen) | 56 rounds |
131 | [#143254] Madam Neudike the Elf (Staffan Ingvarsson) | 56 rounds |
132 | [#143225] HunTa the Dwarf (Pål Omnes Kjerpeseth) | 56 rounds |
133 | [#8525] Henna the Dwarf (Petri Siirilä) | 56 rounds |
134 | [#29154] Grand Duchess AnkiBagger the Titan (Jorgen Holm) | 55 rounds |
135 | [#177902] Duke Jaer the Titan (Henrik Matsson) | 55 rounds |
136 | [#133154] Lord challe the Troll (carl henriksson) | 54 rounds |
137 | [#36426] Grand Duke Anfernee Jamieson the Titan (Anders Johansson) | 54 rounds |
138 | [#63069] Sir Nikmi the Titan [TNA] (Henrik Gade) | 54 rounds |
139 | [#210087] Grand Duke Al Ghouthi the Titan (John Doe) | 53 rounds |
140 | [#122141] Princess Sesshoumaru the Titan (Kenny Bergström) | 53 rounds |
141 | [#12648] Duke Eldrick The Reborn the Human (Benjamin Douglas) | 53 rounds |
142 | [#154836] Torsten the Troll (Andreas Löfgren) | 53 rounds |
143 | [#7155] Sir Ariakas Karmir the Titan (Lari Eteläniemi) | 52 rounds |
144 | notinuse | 51 rounds |
145 | [#21630] Grand Duke Ior the Titan (Stefan Nilsson) | 51 rounds |
146 | [#198376] Lord Nerios the Human (Nicklas Ringdahl) | 51 rounds |
147 | [#227273] Sinlo the Human [FWP] (Coby Bishop) | 51 rounds |
148 | [#66382] William the Troll (P. Straetemans) | 51 rounds |
149 | [#209230] Floke the Elf [FWP] (Adrian broad) | 51 rounds |
150 | [#113092] Duke Titus the Titan [FOG] (Max Strömberg) | 50 rounds |
151 | [#157079] Grand Duke Pontapr the Human (Pontus Eriksson) | 50 rounds |
152 | [#1] Prince Gamemaster the Titan (Zakarias Persson) | 50 rounds |
153 | [#38774] Grand Duke Ethoeric [LoW] the Titan (Christian Biffén) | 50 rounds |
154 | [#53589] Prince Weaver the Titan [FWP] (Lord Weaver) | 50 rounds |
155 | [#21627] Princess qiziz the Titan (Tomas Lindroth) | 50 rounds |
156 | [#206532] gurtang the Titan (Peter Söderberg) | 50 rounds |
157 | [#166879] Lord WaKkA the Dwarf (Danny Boullart) | 50 rounds |
158 | [#228974] Grand Duke Joy-X-Ti the Titan (Joy Ever) | 49 rounds |
159 | [#228975] Grand Duke fenny-X-H the Titan (fern fern) | 49 rounds |
160 | [#229012] Grand Duke Fern-X-Ti the Titan (Teoh Fern) | 49 rounds |
161 | [#227047] Grand Duke Sanka-X-Ti the Titan (Sanka beh) | 49 rounds |
162 | [#148754] Duke Daku the Titan (Dan Daku) | 49 rounds |
163 | [#132930] Grand Duchess Divinus the Titan (Christoffer Ångmark) | 49 rounds |
164 | [#150853] Grand Duchess AndersQu the Elf (Anders Kvist) | 49 rounds |
165 | [#150728] Baronesse Trollus� wife the Troll [WACT] (Øyvind Gundersen) | 49 rounds |
166 | [#224687] Vaia the Dwarf (Pontus Karlberg) | 49 rounds |
167 | [#224114] Heroine Mieren the Elf (Henrik Wahlström) | 49 rounds |
168 | [#102774] ThunderArse the Titan (Klaus Ryge Norsgård) | 49 rounds |
169 | [#228991] Grand Duke Vinda-X-H the Human (Vinda Linci) | 48 rounds |
170 | [#229013] Grand Duke Betsy-X-H the Human (Betsy Roan) | 48 rounds |
171 | [#107499] Hero Tuor the Titan (Christoffer Hallin) | 48 rounds |
172 | [#1773] Grand Duke Phaeton the Titan (Daniel Haile) | 47 rounds |
173 | [#205267] Grand Duchess Astle the Titan (Fryderyk Riffe) | 47 rounds |
174 | [#209006] Grand Duke Maximus the Titan (Kyle Smith) | 47 rounds |
175 | [#122581] Madam Idylia the Dwarf [TFD1] (Stan B) | 47 rounds |
176 | [#147464] Princess Luciana the Human (Ike) | 46 rounds |
177 | [#42038] Lord Noldor [FWP] the Titan (Andreas Olsson) | 46 rounds |
178 | [#228827] Nonaz the Elf [FOG] (Mick Walter) | 46 rounds |
179 | [#15394] Prince Dinuan the Titan [Sworn] (Adam Hahne) | 45 rounds |
180 | [#222737] Grand Duchess Curesta the Titan (Per Johansson) | 45 rounds |
181 | [#10979] Grand Duke Lance Gabriell the Titan [TR] (Berca Laurentiu-Gabriel) | 45 rounds |
182 | [#196369] Prince Valoreth the Titan (Victor J. G. ) | 44 rounds |
183 | [#203317] Killalot the Titan (Richard Berg) | 44 rounds |
184 | [#22869] Grand Duke Ichi the Dwarf (Martin Wiklund) | 44 rounds |
185 | [#94743] Duke Arazil of the shadows the Titan [Wizz] (Mark) | 44 rounds |
186 | [#99] Duke Randar II the Dwarf [TFD2] (Dennis Eriksson) | 44 rounds |
187 | [#104477] Sir Boolean the Titan (Jonas Sundberg) | 44 rounds |
188 | [#49884] Hero Haestan the Troll (Henrik H) | 43 rounds |
189 | [#130071] Wazza the Troll (Andreas Eklund) | 43 rounds |
190 | [#209] ETM the Human [TNTW] (Erik Öström) | 43 rounds |
191 | [#227242] Grand Duke Sabel the Titan (Oscar Samuelsson) | 42 rounds |
192 | [#208686] Duchess ReichoKay the Dwarf (Fran Halon) | 42 rounds |
193 | [#22460] Grand Duke Dashiva the Dwarf [TFD2] (Dennis Eriksson) | 42 rounds |
194 | [#222296] Duke Wols III the Dwarf [MOC] (Morris Wols) | 42 rounds |
195 | [#106897] Madam Tartangelover the Titan [KSR] (Lucy Burroughs) | 42 rounds |
196 | [#80622] Mira the Titan (Henke Mattsson) | 42 rounds |
197 | [#1639] Prince Marv the Titan [BCK] (Kristof Tack) | 41 rounds |
198 | [#8715] Heroine Balcatraz the Human (Per Baltzar) | 41 rounds |
199 | [#185439] Sir eclips the Elf (Frank Goossens) | 41 rounds |
200 | [#189123] Princess Profelionis the Human (Phil Gouali) | 40 rounds |
201 | [#197537] Baron Player One the Dwarf (Ruben Greve) | 40 rounds |
202 | [#37404] Princess X´Desh the Human (Mari Vesala) | 39 rounds |
203 | [#49251] Prince Pallekuling the Elf (Andreas Saarinen) | 39 rounds |
204 | [#32310] torkel the Titan (mikael hasselqvist) | 39 rounds |
205 | [#156533] Baronesse Ducasse the Titan [WAC] (Andremotti Cunnilingus) | 39 rounds |
206 | [#334] Heroine Eazy the Human [TFD1] (Stan Beurskens) | 39 rounds |
207 | [#64912] Sir Yonokaro the Titan (Hampus Englund) | 38 rounds |
208 | [#172193] Grand Duke LivingProof the Titan (Mikael Tronkolovic) | 38 rounds |
209 | [#208869] Sir Froll the Dwarf (Johan Lindbom) | 38 rounds |
210 | [#159445] Sir Grumnblufesfetsrgh the Troll (Bassie en Adriaan) | 38 rounds |
211 | [#164364] Beaver the Elf (Emil Montin) | 38 rounds |
212 | [#227178] Princess Threepwood the 33rd the Titan (Hannes Bohlin) | 37 rounds |
213 | [#32656] Lady Xriz the Dwarf (Kai Kristoffersen) | 37 rounds |
214 | [#94501] Duke Kraww the Dwarf (Olle Olsson) | 37 rounds |
215 | [#75186] Spiky the Human (Johan Bergsten) | 37 rounds |
216 | [#60220] Lady Tulle the Human (Stine Svensmark) | 37 rounds |
217 | [#78385] Feorid the Elf (John Borglund) | 37 rounds |
218 | [#178005] Duchess Moiraine the Titan (C Skoglund) | 36 rounds |
219 | [#158112] Duchess Ogri T5 the Titan (kev allsop) | 36 rounds |
220 | [#2111] Hero Belgarion the Titan (Pierre Andersson) | 36 rounds |
221 | [#134190] Lord niotresju the Human (Filip Larsson) | 36 rounds |
222 | [#221677] Duke fruity the Troll (Chris C) | 36 rounds |
223 | [#122129] Sir brocCooLi the Dwarf [Tudor] (Ty Nilsson) | 36 rounds |
224 | [#164777] Princess Blue Sky the Titan [DTEK] (Neall Rowlandson) | 35 rounds |
225 | [#205104] Grand Duchess Spirulina the Titan (Kristofer Engström) | 35 rounds |
226 | [#193328] Grand Duke Taal the Titan [FWP] (Paul Taylor) | 35 rounds |
227 | [#185322] Duke Veldrin the Titan (Henrik Lantto) | 35 rounds |
228 | [#130491] Princess Miss Madeline the Titan [FOG] (Anne Marike Lokhorst) | 35 rounds |
229 | [#228962] Grand Duchess Winner T 8 the Titan (William Winner) | 35 rounds |
230 | [#149088] Grand Duke Thor Økseskjold the Human (Kenneth Hansen) | 35 rounds |
231 | [#172904] Duke Calle Jularbo the Human (Christian Johannessen) | 35 rounds |
232 | [#32793] Lady Myggiz the Troll (Roberth Lindholm) | 35 rounds |
233 | [#228722] Heroine Dronningen the Titan (David B) | 35 rounds |
234 | [#45446] Baronesse Tiara the Troll (Andreas Jansson) | 35 rounds |
235 | [#156054] Princess Evanda the Human (Olle Carnevale) | 34 rounds |
236 | [#127758] Grand Duchess Il Mostro the Titan (Niels Witte) | 34 rounds |
237 | [#181050] Princess Tyrson roxx the Troll (Peter Lindeblom) | 34 rounds |
238 | [#78981] Grand Duke Blazer the Titan (Gustaf Olsson) | 34 rounds |
239 | [#95522] Prince Narzis the Titan (Chris Mattos) | 34 rounds |
240 | [#209933] Madam Olebrumm the Titan (tore borgen) | 34 rounds |
241 | [#198845] Baron Volcra the Titan [FWP] (Paul Taylor) | 34 rounds |
242 | [#10248] Grand Duke Sorccu the Titan (Simo Kinnunen) | 34 rounds |
243 | [#226541] Duke Kosh the Titan (Arvid Granat) | 34 rounds |
244 | [#219326] Duchess Wolsje the Elf [MOC] (morris wols) | 34 rounds |
245 | [#183961] Lady Brynque the Human [FWP] (Dave Preston) | 34 rounds |
246 | [#55209] Hero Mogumbo the Dwarf (Clint Hatfield) | 34 rounds |
247 | [#60449] Madam Exoril the Dwarf (Viktor Jacobsson) | 34 rounds |
248 | [#41345] Princess Sigrid the Titan [TNA] (Teodor Jakobsson) | 33 rounds |
249 | [#215516] Tundrul the Elf (Daniel Johansson) | 33 rounds |
250 | [#228956] Tunnan the Human (Daniel Tunnan Johansson) | 33 rounds |
251 | [#132864] Lord Freakshow the Elf (Jonas Olsson) | 33 rounds |
252 | [#21001] Duchess wompis the Dwarf (yonne) | 33 rounds |
253 | [#49794] Lady Dalna the Human (Linda Norelius) | 33 rounds |
254 | [#167850] Player1 the Elf (Martin Blirup) | 33 rounds |
255 | [#155567] Baronesse XeromeM the Elf (Mikael Aronsson) | 33 rounds |
256 | [#83253] Lady Elyseen the Human (Annika Nygren) | 33 rounds |
257 | [#112919] Sir IcaruS the Human (Joel Blomberg) | 33 rounds |
258 | [#140211] Smokey the Troll (Larry Pratt) | 33 rounds |
259 | [#228856] Trix the Troll (Marcus Merides) | 33 rounds |
260 | [#122735] Prince Sauron the Titan [FOG] (Tee Jay Green) | 32 rounds |
261 | [#170225] Grand Duchess Kiara the Titan [DTEK] (Niklas Widmark) | 32 rounds |
262 | [#114294] Duchess Kerecha the Elf (Regina S Olsson) | 32 rounds |
263 | [#86011] Princess Bast the Titan (Colean Oberkamp) | 32 rounds |
264 | [#72135] Prince Gorby XXXIII the Troll (Terje Walberg) | 32 rounds |
265 | [#70903] Duke Destroyer the Titan (johan pettersson) | 32 rounds |
266 | [#35506] Duchess Nemepussy the Elf (Roel Hendryckx) | 32 rounds |
267 | [#8721] Duke Padan Fain the Titan (Jörgen Magnusson) | 32 rounds |
268 | [#141816] Baron kråkspira Gräva dûM the Dwarf [MOC] (Andreas Antmar) | 32 rounds |
269 | [#133866] Heroine Varg the Titan (alexis humphreys) | 32 rounds |
270 | [#110252] Duke Xzavian the Elf [MOC] (Sebastian Sjöberg) | 32 rounds |
271 | [#52486] Madri the Elf (Matias Alanko) | 32 rounds |
272 | [#33238] Heroine XiPHiAS of the Dwarf (Michael Rosa) | 32 rounds |
273 | [#131904] Marika the Dwarf (Robin Mellstrand) | 32 rounds |
274 | [#151043] Princess McKleiven the Troll [Sworn] (Cato Kleiven) | 31 rounds |
275 | [#227070] Grand Duke Elkrider the Titan [MOC] (Christoffer Hult) | 31 rounds |
276 | [#198369] Duke General Dino the Titan (mikael Ekström) | 31 rounds |
277 | [#74780] Grand Duchess appelpajen the Titan (Tove hammarfeldt) | 31 rounds |
278 | [#124522] Grand Duke Rayment the Titan [MOC] (Dennis Olsen) | 31 rounds |
279 | [#40945] Duchess Danaerys the Elf (Peter Karlsson) | 31 rounds |
280 | [#103351] Grand Duke KBK the Titan (Kristian Kristiansen) | 31 rounds |
281 | [#2295] Duchess Alexia the Titan [TFD2] (Kim Pilefelt) | 31 rounds |
282 | [#215739] Grand Duchess Sophae the Troll [MOC] (Stephan Schmidt) | 31 rounds |
283 | [#38143] Grand Duchess Norse the Dwarf (Ole Christian Hauge) | 31 rounds |
284 | [#32773] Duke Padde the Troll (Johan Källsson) | 31 rounds |
285 | [#51795] Duchess Amrita the Human (Jenny Norelius) | 31 rounds |
286 | [#65690] Lykopis the Titan (Gina Dolci) | 31 rounds |
287 | [#132369] Hero Zicky the Human (Daniel Bradley) | 31 rounds |
288 | [#221436] Lord Trieg the Titan (Juha Aaltonen) | 31 rounds |
289 | [#203211] Lord Todias the Elf (Toby Bundy) | 31 rounds |
290 | [#224865] Delora the Human (Joachim Valk) | 31 rounds |
291 | [#120506] Prince Iced Earth the Titan [FoDm] (Jon Schaffer) | 30 rounds |
292 | [#55553] Grand Duke Quendi[FWP] the Titan (Andreas Olsson) | 30 rounds |
293 | [#223729] Madam Derek Ainslie the Titan (Derek Ainslie) | 30 rounds |
294 | [#86199] Grand Duke Cain the Titan (Kristoffer Jonasson) | 30 rounds |
295 | unused | 30 rounds |
296 | [#182728] Duchess Titania the Titan (Erica Dereborn) | 30 rounds |
297 | [#129069] Grand Duke Eivindo the Titan (Eivind Martinsen) | 30 rounds |
298 | [#209010] Grand Duchess Dwarf_7 the Dwarf (Micah Bickford) | 30 rounds |
299 | [#219681] Grand Duchess Pö the Dwarf (Mika Nikander) | 30 rounds |
300 | [#135173] Madam Tathar Lissësúl the Titan [KSR] (Iain Smart) | 30 rounds |
301 | [#103605] Duke Seratho ShadowBane the Titan (Bill Gideonsson) | 30 rounds |
302 | [#215757] Fermia the Dwarf (Kalle samuelsson) | 30 rounds |
303 | [#145243] Baron Sbarney the Titan (Sander Barneveld) | 30 rounds |
304 | [#136061] Vind the Elf (Kirstine Boch) | 30 rounds |
305 | [#130505] Hero Ashkan the Titan (Ante Klipp) | 30 rounds |
306 | [#223985] Hero Najls the Titan (Nils Emil Evensen) | 30 rounds |
307 | [#114366] Noble Kale the Troll (Keith Ford) | 30 rounds |
308 | [#37740] Huasz II the Human (Jens Karlsson) | 30 rounds |
309 | [#144363] Sir Ederion the Peculiar the Human (Tobias Mattsson) | 30 rounds |
310 | [#142948] Prometheus the Titan (Linus Back) | 30 rounds |
311 | [#2028] Blighty the Troll (pete ) | 30 rounds |
312 | [#124854] Mithrandir the Troll (Martin Janota) | 30 rounds |
313 | [#114968] Bittersteel the Human (Hampus Rosenlof) | 30 rounds |
314 | [#25861] Grand Duchess Illuminhæx the Dwarf (Guido Vossenberg) | 29 rounds |
315 | [#229004] Sir Harrold the Titan (Anders andersson) | 29 rounds |
316 | [#6975] Duke Trallo the Titan (Daniel Bond) | 29 rounds |
317 | [#220175] Prince Valanar the Titan (Jeremy Stange) | 29 rounds |
318 | [#204532] Duchess Dystop the Titan [Sworn] (Martin Ronnlund) | 29 rounds |
319 | [#228886] Slaughterer Azhag the Titan (Leif Vaern) | 29 rounds |
320 | [#103761] Duke Durin the Titan (Emil Westerholm) | 29 rounds |
321 | [#141063] Lord Friyer the Titan (Marco Larsson) | 29 rounds |
322 | [#142881] Shivex the Titan (Michiel LMB) | 29 rounds |
323 | [#172984] Lord SC the Titan (cong Sheng) | 29 rounds |
324 | [#163471] what are you looking at? the Dwarf (Judas Paulsson) | 29 rounds |
325 | [#115235] Princess Tuxitax the Titan (Hans-Christian Egtvedt) | 28 rounds |
326 | [#193787] Prince Nic the Titan (Christian Nicander) | 28 rounds |
327 | [#171078] Grand Duchess GoldCross the Titan [KSR] (John Sykes) | 28 rounds |
328 | [#104503] Grand Duke Salkin the Human (Niklas Martinsson) | 28 rounds |
329 | [#109337] Grand Duke Heimdall Kvite the Human (Ron Åland) | 28 rounds |
330 | [#159342] Grand Duchess Kiddo the Dwarf (Martin Turesson) | 28 rounds |
331 | [#97755] Grand Duchess Tamaloo the Titan [TFD1] (Tamaloo Kejtachev) | 28 rounds |
332 | [#11125] Duchess Arwen the Dwarf (Martina Jiricka) | 28 rounds |
333 | [#203817] Grand Duchess Mindy the Elf (Frédéric Jetté) | 28 rounds |
334 | [#175320] Madam Haraball the Titan (Snorre Sandvik) | 28 rounds |
335 | [#79545] Duchess Ranwen the Human (Fanny Sommar) | 28 rounds |
336 | [#138943] Baron Frey The Troll [KSR] the Troll [KSR] (Justin Yuill) | 28 rounds |
337 | [#149994] Duke Catalyst the Titan (Yih Sheng) | 28 rounds |
338 | [#173945] Duke Zorak the Elf (Torak Zakar) | 28 rounds |
339 | [#184561] Duchess Voqu Alcanz the Elf (Len baxter) | 28 rounds |
340 | [#122137] Baron Rimmal the Human (Robert Andersson) | 28 rounds |
341 | [#53118] Lord Davion the Dwarf (Björn Laurell) | 28 rounds |
342 | [#92770] Sir Patilan the Dwarf [DTEK] (ILIYA KOSTADINOV) | 28 rounds |
343 | [#197918] Grödahl the Titan (Jens Grödahl) | 28 rounds |
344 | [#103186] Prince Penicillin XXVIII the Elf (Justin Yuill) | 27 rounds |
345 | [#105482] Princess Marona the Titan (Mathias) | 27 rounds |
346 | [#56176] Prince Grimlock the Elf (Maarten VS) | 27 rounds |
347 | [#54530] Princess Nille the Titan (Niklas Strömberg) | 27 rounds |
348 | [#13712] Grand Duke Alfons Hökvinge the Titan [THDO] (Fredrik Elfving) | 27 rounds |
349 | [#175078] Grand Duchess Atwood the Dwarf (LD Johnson) | 27 rounds |
350 | [#143424] Duke TRON the Titan (Barry P) | 27 rounds |
351 | [#117318] Madam Mimz the Titan (mikael nyberg) | 27 rounds |
352 | [#17634] Prince Goofy the Titan (Adrian Granlund) | 27 rounds |
353 | [#159611] Prince Vendrion the Titan (jonas kander) | 27 rounds |
354 | [#89403] Grand Duchess Fecalphiliac the Titan [DTEK] (Henryk Szymczyszyn) | 27 rounds |
355 | [#127053] Duke Shi the Titan (Olle Carnevale) | 27 rounds |
356 | [#133931] Duchess valkyria the Titan (Stefan Manninen) | 27 rounds |
357 | [#210640] LEEstatebuild the Titan (woot daffak) | 27 rounds |
358 | [#159446] Duke Moridain the Human [LM] (Magnus Fosse) | 27 rounds |
359 | [#133762] Duke Daigoro the Elf (Alex wahlquist) | 27 rounds |
360 | [#108881] Hero Arnold the Elf (Johan Resare) | 27 rounds |
361 | [#67594] Lady Tilda the Titan [BCK] (hans persson) | 27 rounds |
362 | [#187393] Ferlathin the Titan (Martin Hermansson) | 27 rounds |
363 | [#147201] Madam Cypreana the Elf (Bart Kerckx) | 27 rounds |
364 | [#183458] Valeran the Human (Sebastian Svensson) | 27 rounds |
365 | [#29033] Lady Akillez the Human (Andreas Johansson) | 27 rounds |
366 | [#95724] Grand Duchess Dev the Titan [FWP] (Johny Larsson) | 26 rounds |
367 | [#226562] Prince Slappy the Titan (Jimmy Slappy) | 26 rounds |
368 | [#191500] Prince Rildiz Gio the Titan (Franggio Clarence Hogland) | 26 rounds |
369 | [#132591] Princess Vejaina the Titan (Jerry Källberg) | 26 rounds |
370 | [#204235] Prince Mishm the Titan (Anders Bengtsson) | 26 rounds |
371 | [#224262] Prince Zorbis the Titan (Toni Sormunen) | 26 rounds |
372 | [#153823] Grand Duchess zarniwoop the Titan (niek voort) | 26 rounds |
373 | [#194337] Grand Duke entarr the Elf [FWP] (Josh Taylor) | 26 rounds |
374 | [#126104] Grand Duchess gullefjun the Titan [DTEK] (Anders Mårtensson) | 26 rounds |
375 | [#218758] Princess Esebian the Endless the Titan (Matthias Muenzner) | 26 rounds |
376 | [#228776] Grand Duke Nonaz the Titan [DTEK] (Mick Walter ) | 26 rounds |
377 | [#171352] Grand Duke Dastardly Mutten the Titan (Mathieu Gybels) | 26 rounds |
378 | [#124128] Grand Duke NuKeR the Titan (tormod lonseth) | 26 rounds |
379 | [#55864] Grand Duke Jindujun the Titan (Marcus Hopman) | 26 rounds |
380 | [#13548] Prince Ile_a the Titan (Ilkka Aulomaa) | 26 rounds |
381 | [#73108] Grand Duke Exstacy I the Human (Kim Dywling) | 26 rounds |
382 | [#137717] Seia the Elf (Pontus Karlberg) | 26 rounds |
383 | [#60675] Princess Mek the Titan (peter alvik) | 26 rounds |
384 | [#123375] Duchess Toadstool the Titan (Peter Jonsson) | 26 rounds |
385 | [#226954] Grand Duke Sawgon the Titan (Sargon A) | 26 rounds |
386 | [#49655] Sir Ararka the Titan (Rune Kronenberg) | 26 rounds |
387 | [#208948] Duke Smygpoeten the Titan (Jim Panda) | 26 rounds |
388 | [#42651] Prince Domi Fuling the Titan [FOG] (Mikael Laine) | 26 rounds |
389 | [#69800] Duke CharlieBrown the Titan (Charlie Brown) | 26 rounds |
390 | [#95852] Duke El Muerte the Titan (Mattias Amberg) | 26 rounds |
391 | [#89243] Duke fingal the Titan [SS] (jimmy berglund) | 26 rounds |
392 | [#228865] Lady nemmie the Titan [FOG] (Smul Smulsson) | 26 rounds |
393 | [#49696] Darkstone the Human [TR] (Eddie Martin) | 26 rounds |
394 | [#46911] Zendroax the Titan (Daniel Karlström) | 26 rounds |
395 | [#16962] Spatziba the Elf (Jonas Erlansson) | 26 rounds |
396 | [#157136] Madam Salleia the Elf (Amy Rose) | 26 rounds |
397 | [#151630] Gaffa the Elf (Pontus Klasson) | 26 rounds |
398 | [#40011] Free Spirit the Titan (Free Spirit) | 26 rounds |
399 | [#15662] Princess Kernon the Titan [TFD2] (Dennis Eriksson) | 25 rounds |
400 | [#140942] Prince XperteN the Titan (Oscar Westling) | 25 rounds |
401 | [#60590] Prince Mirdivar the Titan [TNTW] (Jacko Leenders) | 25 rounds |
402 | [#101023] Prince Ahmed the Titan (John Beagles) | 25 rounds |
403 | [#112961] Grand Duchess Barrabors the Titan (Peter Jonsson) | 25 rounds |
404 | [#134813] Duke Devar the Titan (Charybde Elanor) | 25 rounds |
405 | [#53505] Prince RS the Titan (Dan Smith) | 25 rounds |
406 | [#30908] Prince danielizer the Titan (Daniel Arnesson) | 25 rounds |
407 | [#48283] Princess Groo the Titan (kalle rundqvist) | 25 rounds |
408 | [#220949] Princess Tamaril the Titan (Chris Pelletier) | 25 rounds |
409 | [#9011] Prince Syncrat the Titan (Fredrik Posse) | 25 rounds |
410 | [#151800] Crown Princess Dårgæn Durus the Titan [FoDm] (Johan) | 25 rounds |
411 | [#95491] Prince Gongjin the Titan (Eric Roben) | 25 rounds |
412 | [#224829] Grand Duchess Norsa the Titan (Joachim Valk) | 25 rounds |
413 | [#108678] Prince Vigor the Titan (Robin larsson) | 25 rounds |
414 | [#188354] Grand Duchess Warmachine the Titan [TFD1] (Tom Goossens) | 25 rounds |
415 | [#174246] Duke Scorch the Titan [DTEK] (Anders Mårtensson) | 25 rounds |
416 | [#197583] Grand Duke Robius the Titan (robin edlund) | 25 rounds |
417 | [#133410] Prince ElSmisko and his pet Lopec the Titan (Bengt-Göran Persson) | 25 rounds |
418 | [#133457] Prince Zanmato the Titan (Jonas Wennström) | 25 rounds |
419 | [#29792] Prince Ferdon the Titan (Mattias Myrnäs) | 25 rounds |
420 | [#135269] Duke zorgul the Titan (mikko lainas) | 25 rounds |
421 | [#202917] Prince Muerte the Titan (Staffan Nylander) | 25 rounds |
422 | [#153840] Prince Dershac XII, the bald-headed the Titan [FoDm] (Martin S.) | 25 rounds |
423 | [#107416] Grand Duke Stoner the Titan (Jimmy Stenlund) | 25 rounds |
424 | [#188773] Duke Moksha the Titan [DTEK] (Anders Mårtensson) | 25 rounds |
425 | [#133542] Princess Bob the Titan (Karl Gilbert) | 25 rounds |
426 | [#119237] Prince Trolle the Titan (Johan Ahlen) | 25 rounds |
427 | [#64179] Prince Primal_r the Titan (Oskar Holmstrand) | 25 rounds |
428 | [#123159] Princess Läppen the Titan (Jacob Nilsson) | 25 rounds |
429 | [#224751] Prince Feddie the Titan (per elversson) | 25 rounds |
430 | [#162352] Prince Magnossus the Titan (Joel Rönnberg) | 25 rounds |
431 | unused | 25 rounds |
432 | [#172662] Prince Kai Hai the Titan (Fredrik Andreassen) | 25 rounds |
433 | [#227004] Duke Ohr the Dwarf (Anders öht) | 25 rounds |
434 | [#112045] Grand Duke Dark Gemini Wing the Titan (Oscar Eriksson) | 25 rounds |
435 | [#154932] Duchess Themerin DeCuir the Titan (Tanya Myrenholt) | 25 rounds |
436 | [#50616] Duke Zartok the Titan [TFD1] (emil jatko) | 25 rounds |
437 | [#220471] Duchess Wippan the Titan (Helena Good) | 25 rounds |
438 | [#52154] Princess Miller the Titan (Robin Blomqvist) | 25 rounds |
439 | [#67200] Prince Bloodpig the Titan (Johan D) | 25 rounds |
440 | [#172123] Duchess Problem the Titan (Oscar Westling) | 25 rounds |
441 | [#150534] Sir Camper the Titan (Ron Andre) | 25 rounds |
442 | [#229032] Grand Duke OutOfThisWorld99 the Titan (F L) | 25 rounds |
443 | [#51647] Duke Kril the Titan [TFD1] (Steve Troyer) | 25 rounds |
444 | [#220960] Prince Ploi the Titan (Joe bob) | 25 rounds |
445 | [#102747] Duke ZzaK the Titan (Jimmy Hildenborg) | 25 rounds |
446 | [#227134] Grand Duke Legacy the Titan (Nate) | 25 rounds |
447 | [#221543] Grand Duke Mikael the Troll [FWP] (Johny Larsson) | 25 rounds |
448 | [#20478] Grand Duke Baal Ksett the Titan (Zachary Murray) | 25 rounds |
449 | [#83680] Duke Oberon the Dwarf (Rasmus Seppälä) | 25 rounds |
450 | [#135370] Princess Phantom the Titan (Stefan Lindfors) | 25 rounds |
451 | [#222626] Prince Silas the Titan (Peter Westberg) | 25 rounds |
452 | [#127061] Duchess Horatia the Titan (Jesper Augustsson) | 25 rounds |
453 | [#126521] Duke Bryan the Titan (Bryan R) | 25 rounds |
454 | [#135417] Fena the Dwarf the Titan (Rolf Johansson) | 25 rounds |
455 | [#229146] Duchess Ftumch the Titan (Mark Harris) | 25 rounds |
456 | [#228588] Hero Ard Alt the Titan (Erik Kjærran) | 25 rounds |
457 | [#225442] Duchess Aurora the Titan (Decius Aranofsky) | 25 rounds |
458 | [#65656] Duke Kalaskungen the Titan (Aksel Forsberg) | 25 rounds |
459 | [#81627] Divra the Titan (Arvid Hellström) | 25 rounds |
460 | [#13309] Hero Xedric the Titan (Niklas Mårdby) | 25 rounds |
461 | [#59178] Sir Avatar the Titan (Dave K) | 25 rounds |
462 | [#223457] Sir Rodent the Human (Michel Paas) | 25 rounds |
463 | [#206281] Pottfisk the Human (Simon Vahlgren) | 25 rounds |
464 | [#66691] Lectus the Human [TFD2] (Dennis Eriksson) | 25 rounds |
465 | [#166318] Duke Inflame the Titan (Arto Hakkiluoto) | 24 rounds |
466 | [#82140] Grand Duchess DEXY the Titan [km] (Mats Sturesson) | 24 rounds |
467 | [#131851] Duke Behedwin the Titan (Oskar Kuus) | 24 rounds |
468 | [#203750] Baronesse Aloriana the Titan (jimmy laursen) | 24 rounds |
469 | [#203501] Duchess Donna Stormheart the Titan (Elena Roncero Andersson) | 24 rounds |
470 | [#227103] Tohmane the Titan (Alexander Öhman) | 24 rounds |
471 | [#74484] Duke Thrud V the Titan (kev allsop) | 24 rounds |
472 | [#82755] Madam Freya the Human (Raven Hägg) | 24 rounds |
473 | [#228752] Duchess Hk the Titan (Sean smith) | 24 rounds |
474 | [#49114] Madam Schlenkerla the Titan (Mikael Nylander) | 24 rounds |
475 | [#83598] Hasse le nub the Titan (ludwig bergström) | 24 rounds |
476 | [#94898] Princess Innovindil the Titan [TFD1] (Johannes S) | 23 rounds |
477 | [#229034] Madam William Winner II T4 the Troll (William Winner) | 23 rounds |
478 | [#143846] Lady Charano the Titan (Øyvind Gundersen) | 23 rounds |
479 | [#78771] Baron Zorgs the Dwarf (Simon Skånrot) | 23 rounds |
480 | [#222136] Lady Lîlîtu the Dwarf (Mikael Larsson) | 23 rounds |
481 | [#205890] Kebab rök the Troll (Jens Bergvall) | 23 rounds |
482 | [#216827] KauBe the Troll (Tobias Jonsson) | 23 rounds |
483 | [#223153] Tirzah the Human (Fredrik Hagman) | 23 rounds |
484 | [#89158] Baronesse Zoryelle the Titan (Olga Kurikka) | 22 rounds |
485 | [#112663] Duke Malekith the Elf (Trinith Draconus) | 22 rounds |
486 | [#56291] Heroine Evian the Titan (nisse nilsson) | 22 rounds |
487 | [#94887] Lord Shandor the Titan (Thomas Zebühr) | 22 rounds |
488 | [#142754] Hero Kopomo the Dwarf (Øyvind Gundersen) | 22 rounds |
489 | [#227447] Grand Duchess 89 the Troll [DTEK] (Steve santesco) | 22 rounds |
490 | [#152713] Duchess Sephiroth the Titan (Jelle Bellemans) | 22 rounds |
491 | [#63724] Adama the Elf (Adam Anderson) | 22 rounds |
492 | [#147024] Madam Ewilyn the Titan (Marcus Löfstaf) | 22 rounds |
493 | [#112619] Duchess Hilga the Dwarf (Infusco von Kempelen) | 22 rounds |
494 | [#131525] Duchess EasilyAddicted the Troll [TJSC] (Dave Heijkoop) | 22 rounds |
495 | [#208480] Smolder X the Human (Eric Barrington) | 22 rounds |
496 | [#145505] Grom the Dwarf (AnnA Sjöberg) | 22 rounds |
497 | [#199593] Eliotrap the Elf (Tom Kapka) | 22 rounds |
498 | [#126306] Sir Thorin Blood Axe the Dwarf (Joram van Essen) | 22 rounds |
499 | [#145260] Sir Lyran the Titan (Emil Granath) | 21 rounds |
500 | [#194512] Duke Thunderhorne the Dwarf [FOG] (Joshua Miller) | 21 rounds |